Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The right of freedom to sleep ( Zzzzz...)
Afternoon session, after a heavy lunch is always a pain - I always have this problem: pre lunch, I can't do anything cos I'm hungry and post lunch again I can't do a thing cos I'm sleepy. But post lunch has been a major problem, all I want to do is sleep... If anyone were to ask me my happiest moment, without any doubt it would be sleeping. But sleeping in the office is almost like a crime... like someone said, its not a good impression, but what the hell? Don't I have the freedom to do what I want to. But on a second thought, I really don't have, cos I'm paid not to come and doze off in here. But thanks to black coffee and cigarettes ( I mean thanks to those good guys who discovered/invented them) otherwise I wouldn't have last here this long.

Sometimes I keep thinking, why can I just do what I want? But I guess its this shitty thing call 'money', money is indeed the root of all (did I say all, not really but some) evils. At times I wish I'm living in those stone age - kill every edible creature that comes your way, then all u need to worry is fill your tummy and go back to sleep. But fortunately/unfortunately I'm born in this technology age (not that we can eat technology), but just for a feel good factor, I try to make myself believe that they don't eat stones in those era either. But even if I own an island (seen 'Cast Away'?) I think it wont be really that great... As such, I really don't think there's any virgin island anymore - its all becos of the human virus. What the hell, these news channels keep reporting that so many people died in the middle east or middle west or whatever... But I still feel that they don't die enough to empty the place. Sometimes I wonder why don't those guys use nuclear bombs, if not to clean the human virus, but at least to do a real time testing - for all you know that shit might not really work by now - cos we only read that nuclear is the 'thing' which can wipe the human race, but crap we never witnessed it. Who knows it might be rotten and never burst when you really want it to happen, after all barking dogs seldom bite.

Anyways, I'm feeling much better now, my eyelids are opening again, so are my grey cells... Time to get back to work, otherwise even my Right of getting paid might be denied.


Anonymous said...

I can vouch for this dude's sleeping habit post lunch. Back in Bangalore, everyone used to have a blast taking his pictures while he was dozing off after lunch....eventually we lost interest because it became an everyday affair.

Anonymous said...

We r used to it now Kullu....i jus took a pic of yu yday .....course...sleepin in th office....

Anonymous said...

We r used to it now Kullu....i jus took a pic of yu yday .....course...sleepin in th office....

Sathish said...

Good post, I like the flow very much. As you think, so you write.

Angshuman Sarkar said...

remember Matrix, what smith says, that humans are like virus? Well dude, you took the blue pill, theres no way to go back now!