Friday, September 15, 2006

Being Normal...
I'm trying to think what exactly being normal is like. I heard many a times when people around me keep saying, behave like a normal person. What the definition suggests is " lack of significant deviation from the average," that's normality, or is it abnormality? i have no clue, you gotta tell me... but who's to define or measure the normality/abnormality of some one else, is it a psychiatrist, a doctor, our frens? again I have no idea... but time and again I heard people keep saying that. From the little observations that i have made, i realized that you are normal if -

  • You fart quietly in a crowded place and let the world sense your new fragrance (without knowing it was you), instead of lifting one side of your pairs and make the loudest noise you could have in your life time.
  • You stare at the screen the entire 3hrs to some boring movie show, and not understand what's going on (cos you paid for it) without looking at the sexy damsel sitting next to you or at a viewable distance.
  • Its considered normal if you say you are feeling good, infact very good to someone asking "How are you?" but the fact is that you are feeling real crappy and looking for the nearest loo.
  • You are normal, if a girl ask about her new hairdo and you said she is gorgeous, instead of telling her that she looks terribly scary and even the wildest crow won't dare come to her balcony from now on.
  • ....

Hence, I started having this strange feeling that normality is all about pretending and not what we really are. If you don't know how to pretend then you really don't belong to the 'normal' society which has captured more than 51%+ (that's more than half) of this planet. I'll keep adding as and when I get more observations and new points are welcome which you think I should add and in the same flow to the normality lists above...


Sathish said...

This is a pretty good post. personally I view things ( about normal) differently, but anyway thats because I am not so normal.

Anonymous said...

I have always maintained that Normality and Reality are defined by 51% of the population.

But you can choose to ignore it and live in a parallel universe.